Best Wellness Treatments

B-12 Shots

If you’re not getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet, you may be at risk for serious health problems. Deficiency can cause nerve damage, anemia, and even dementia. Therefore, ensuring you’re getting the right amount of this essential nutrient every day is vital. That’s why it is one of the best wellness treatment for all.

B-12 Shots

Wellness Treatments B-12-shots

Skinny Shots

Skinny Shots

The ingredients of skinny shots include B vitamins, amino acids, and lipotropic substances. It aids patients with overall weight loss by boosting energy and metabolism and speeding up the body’s natural fat-elimination processes. Liver nutrients in the Skinny shot’s exclusive blend may improve energy levels, fat metabolism, and hormonal harmony. Good for over all health so it is one of the best wellness treatments that Alma Medspa offers.

Skinny Shots

Hormone Pellets

Hormone pellet therapy is a method of administering hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, or a combination of these to a male or female patient to restore normal hormone levels or regulate those levels. Composite hormones are a customized combination of hormones made by a pharmacy or laboratory. Plant-based hormones are used in Hormone Pellet Therapy to mimic the effects of the body’s natural hormones. Implants beneath the skin provide tiny and regular hormones inside the body, guaranteeing appropriate and biological levels.

Hormone Pellets

Hormone Pellets

Menopause Management

Menopause Management

When a woman reaches a certain age, she enters a period known as menopause, and her periods stop occurring altogether. On average, it strikes between the ages of 45 and 55. However, it can happen at any time. Perimenopause refers to the transitional time leading up to menopause. During menopause, a woman’s hormones may become unbalanced, leading to uncomfortable side effects. These symptoms typically dissipate with time, but wellness treatments are available if you’re having trouble with them.

Menopause Management

Vitamin Infusions

Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, replenish your fluids, or recover from a difficult night on the town, these drinks can help. Vitamin infusions administered intravenously are helpful. Intravenous therapy, or IV therapy, involves giving fluids and nutrients intravenously so that they can be used by the body immediately.

By bypassing the digestive system and entering the organs directly, IV therapy has a 90-100% absorption rate compared to the 20-50% attainable when nutrients are taken orally.

Vitamin Infusions

Wellness Treatments -Vitamin Infusions